Tamils - a Nation without a State

United Kingdom -
ஐக்கிய இராச்சியம்
- an estimated 100,000 Tamils live in Great Britain
Tamil Performing Arts Society
- Tamil Drama Festival - 2001-
"...The 'avant garde' Tamil theatre movement which saw
birth in Jaffna, but found expression in Colombo in the mid 70s has now
come of age, interestingly enough in the Tamil expatriate world of the
West. Although there were a few other talented pioneer producers too on
the Colombo stage, the credit for sustaining the modern stage tradition,
and carrying it from the East to west and from country to country goes
to K.Balendra and the Tamil Performing Arts Society. The Society is rich
in talent: an imaginative director/producer in Balendra and a versatile
and gifted actress in Anandarani backed by a team of players like
Krishnaarajah and Dharshini Gaaneshapillai..."
Hotspring, 1998) |
