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Home > Tamils - a Nation without a State > Canada > Canadian Tamil, Dr. Bavan Sri Skanda Rajah concludes 6 day fast in sympathy with Tamils in Tamil Eelam > Usha Sri Skandarajah on Her Husbands Fast
Tamils - a Nation without a State
Canada -
கனடா Dr. Bavan Sri Skanda Rajah concludes 6 day fast in Toronto
23 April 2007
A Canadian Tamil peace activist in Toronto, Dr. Bavan Sri Skanda Rajah, on Saturday 21 April concluded a six day Gandhian fast, he undertook to sympathize with the victims in NorthEast Sri Lanka. Urging the Canadian Government to exert pressure on the Sri Lankan Government to help "stop the carnage, starvation and the human rights abuses perpetrated by the Sri Lankan armed forces," Dr. Sri Skanda Rajah said the fast was a spiritual exercise that transcended partisan politics and asked those who attended not to make political capital of the endeavour. Addressing the gathering at the end of the fast, Dr. Sri Skanda Rajah looked weak and could not stop crying as he spoke. He said the fast was a cry for help, undertaken to demonstrate his "deeply felt concern and empathy for the pain and suffering that continues to be inflicted on the Tamil speaking people in the NorthEast of Sri Lanka."
He said the Canadian government should consider freezing financial aid to Sri Lanka, to send a strong signal to the Sri Lankan establishment.
A multi-faith prayer gathering was held on Saturday, 21 April 2007 evening at the Canada Kandasamy Temple to mark the ending of his six day fast. Professor Fr. C. Chandrakanthan from the University
of Toronto, who led the Prayer and Meditation said fasting is a form
of sacrifice that leads to inner purification. He commended
Sri-Skanda-Rajah his fast has led Tamils to express solidarity. He
dealt in detail the atrocities committed by Government of Sri Lanka
and the sufferings of the Tamils in North and East of Sri Lanka. He
detailed the plight of Internally displaced people in the East with
statistics. Candidates belonging to the ruling Conservative of Party of Canada selected to stand for the next federal elections namely Jerry Bance of Scarborough Rouge River and Chuck Konkel of Scarborough Guildwood and Tim Dobson seeking nomination to stand in the riding of Pickering Scarborough East in the provincial elections in November were also there to lend support.
Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah, wife of Sri Skanda Rajah thanking every one for their support said she strongly believes that the Prime Minister of Canada cares and thanked Mr. Steven Harper for the special official Tamil New Year greetings he sent to Canadian Tamils. Statement Released by Usha Sri Skanda Rajah A Fast to Stop the Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka Dr. Sri B. Sri-Skanda-Rajah, a peace activist, began a six-day fast to draw attention and seek help to stop the genocide of Tamils in the Tamil homeland comprising the North and East of Sri Lanka. Intended to be a cry for help, it is important to explain that the fast is not a “hunger strike” or a protest and is undertaken in strictly “Gandhian” style to demonstrate a deeply felt concern and empathy for the pain and suffering inflicted on the Tamil speaking people in the NorthEast of Sri Lanka. The fast began on Sunday, 15th April and will end on Saturday 21st April 2007 at an ecumenical and multi-faith prayer gathering to be held at the Canada Kandasamy Temple Hall, 733 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, Ontario between 4 and 6 pm. The fast is meant to be a spiritual exercise. It transcends partisan politics. No one should make political capital of this endeavor. Dr. Sri B. Sri-Skanda-Rajah is appealing to Canada, his adopted country for which he has immense respect, love and loyalty to help stop the carnage, starvation and massive human rights abuses perpetrated by Sri Lankan armed forces, deny any development-aid to the Sri Lankan government that could be used to kill and harm the Tamil people and save them from oppression and elimination. NB: Due to circumstances beyond control the six-day fast could not be held at a public venue. Those who wish to participate may fast in their homes and come together on Saturday to break the fast. It would mean a lot if as many people as possible could be there and if they could bring non-Tamil Canadians as well to participate in this solemn occasion. உண்ணாநோன்பு
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