* Burrow, T. and Emeneau,
Dravidian Etymological Dictionary
(DED). Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990. 609p
* Burrow, T. and Emeneau,
A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary- Supplement. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1968.
Ayyadurai -
Tamil Dictionaries : a bibliography Wiesbaden: Steiner,
Fabricius, Johann Philipp. -
Tamil-English Dictionary, Evangelical Lutheran Mission
Publishing House, Tranquebar. 1972, revised enlarged 4th ed.
From Publishers Book Description: In this
dictionary, each word is defined by one or more Tamil synonyms.
The different shades of signification and some idioms are
arranged under each word forming, to a considerable extent , a
substitute for a phrase book. The Tamil Synonyms may be depende
uponm, with a very few unavoidable exceptions, as good as
classic words, which are generally arranged so that those most
common are placed first. Mathemetical, astronomical and other
scientific words, are those taken from native works, as far as
such works have been examined, and in foreign words, the
synonyms are made from pure tamil or sanskrit combinations.This
editon contains 46,737 words.
Johann Philipp - A
Dictionary of Tamil and English: Based on Traquebars' Malabar
English Dictionary 1998, 678p
English-Malay-Tamil dictionary: Trilingual Explanatory Dictionary
for Students , 576p, 2001
James -
Colporul: A History of Tamil Dictionaries, 908p, 2000
Kathiraiver Pillai -
Tamil Moli Akarathi (Tamil Dictionary) Publisher: Asian
Educational Services (1994) ISBN-10: 8120600045 ISBN-13:
Krishnamurti, S. Krishnamurti -
English - English - Tamil Dictionary (Read Well's) 583p, 2000
Kriyavin tarkalat tamil akarati-
Dictionary of Contemporary Tamil.1992, 1000p, 16,000 words =
Cre-A, 268 Royapettah High Road, Madras 600 014. [Parathesey
Sankaralingam was a Joint Managing Editor of the publication]
Lazarus -
A Dictionary of Tamil Proverbs (Bilingual), 1998, 662 p
Tamil-Tamil-English Dictionary 755 pages 2002
Tamil-Tamil-English Dictionary - The Little Flower Co. T. Nagar,
Madras 600 017. (1968.)
தமிழ்-தமிழ்-ஆங்கிலம் அகராதி
வழங்கும் பெரும்பாலான தமிழ்ச்சொற்களை ஆங்கிலத்தில் உணர்த்துதற்கு
உறுதுணையாக அமைந்துள்ளது இந்த அகராதி. இந்த அகராதியில் இருக்கும்
பிற்சேர்க்கைகள் மாணவர்களுக்கு சிறந்த வழிகாட்டியாக விளங்கும்
என்பது உறுதி.
Mega Dictionary � English-English-Tamil The Little Flower Co.,T.
Nagar, Madras 600 017.
structure for each word (contained in this Dictionary) contains
Main word, Pronunciation, part of speech, meaning in English,
Meaning in Tamil, and additional information on usage etc. The
Pronunciation for almost all the words is given using Tamil
alphabet as symbols. In addition, with a view to widening users
general Knowledge, appendices containing many interesting,
useful and Valuable information have been added.
McAlpin, David W -
A core vocabulary for Tamil. - On Line
Dupuis -
Dictionnaire Francais - Tamoul (French - Tamil Dictionary)
1270p, 2001
Dupuis -
Dictionnaire Tamoul - Francais (Tamil - French Dictionary)
1668p, 1998
Swamy -English
- Tamil and Tamil - English Dictionary,
831p, 1999
Swamy -
English-Tamil and Tamil-English Dictionary
English-Tamil Dictionary by Winslow, Knight, Spaulding, Pillai
English -Tamil Dictionary,
Percival -
English - Tamil Dictionary 446p, 1993
Percival -
Tamil - English and English-Tamil Dictionary 743p, 2001
Percival, P. Parcival -
Tamil - English Dictionary 297p, 2000
*Pope, G.U. -
Compendious Tamil - English Dictionary,1986 (**
alternative link to Amazon.co.uk)
U. Pope -
A Compendious Tamil - English Dictionary : A Handbook of the Tamil
Language 98p,1992
U Pope -A
Compendious English - Tamil Dictionary: A Handbook of the Tamil
Language 112p, 1998
Sura�s English-English-Tamil Dictionary
Publishers Note: - "...was
first brought out in 1985 Years of strenuous effort had gone
into its preparation, meticulous planning, only with a single
motive that it should become an invariable source of reference
to all those that need a dictionary. It is now rally gratifying
to note that our aim has been greatly fulfilled. For, in no more
than three years has gone through two editions and six prints
and this points out the popularity it has been enjoying.
Encouraged by the sense of accomplishment we decided to bring
out yet another edition and make it more useful. We took every
effort in removing the errors that had unwittingly crept into
the previous prints and presenting in a better way both in
quality and appearance..."
Tamil Lexicon - University of Madras - On Line
*Tucker, Chandran -
A Dictionary of English loan-words in modern Tamil : Contributions
towards a modern Tamil-English dictionary
A dictionary of English loan-words in modern Tamil: Contributions
towards a modern Tamil-English dictionary 173p, 1986
Verma, Mrinal Mitra -
Star Children's Picture Dictionary - Tamil / English ,1993

*Clement J. Victor -
Tamil Dictionary & Phrasebook: Tamil-English / English-Tamil,
222p, 2004
"...All Tamil entries are
presented in the roman alphabet to aid the English speaker, but the
book also introduces the Tamil script with a detailed pronunciation
guide. The phrasebook offers guidance to travellers in a range of
settings from the hospital to the Internet caf�. Each phrasebook
chapter contains a section called 'What You May Hear' that prepares
the travellers for common responses in each situation..."
*Visvanatha Pillai
A Tamil-English Dictionary , Rev. and enl. with an appendix of
modern scientific terms [8th ed Madras]: Madras School Book and
Literature Society, [1972] 743p; 23cm [also
Pillai -
Tamil-English Dictionary 1998
Winslow -
Tamil-English dictionary Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden.
Originally published in 1862 (1977.)
Miron Winslow -
A comprehensive Tamil and English dictionary of high and low Tamil
- On Line
Winslow -
Tamil-English Dictionary (K�lner Sarasvati-Serie) 976p, 1977
Winslow, Knight, Pillai -
English -Tamil Dictionary 1510p 3rd Edition 1999
Winslow -
English-Tamil Dictionary, 1984
Winslow -
A Comprehensive Tamil-English Dictionary 967p, 1998 8th Rep
A Comprehensive Tamil - English Dictionary
990p, 1986 |