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Thank for the invitation. An honour�
A good husband, loving father, kind and capable clinician , a true friend to many and made an immense contribution to our community. A fellow tamilwhom we all should remember and it is fitting that MIOT has this memorial lecture
Future is bright .The stem cells can solve all problems. We can also bepluri potent
Many in our homeland are doing a wonderful service. We have to be humble and work with humility in front of all their sacrifices and efforts
To our patients ,public and staff
Not chauvinistic ideals but trans nationalism in keeping with the concept of one world
Concept of fourth world needs to be understood and accepted
Transtate nations form part of the fourth world,
No excuse for not being a transnational. In fact be proud and consider previlaged.Two cultures,two traditions ..1+1 is more than 2
We have to reconcile our desire to connect with our roots with ourobligations to the nation that is giving usa chance to live work and contribute