Tamils - a Trans State Nation..

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 

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  • The Divine Kura Tribe Kuravanci
    and other Prabandhams
    M. Muilwijk

    1996 xvi, 288 pp. Paper: 90 6980 082 9
    Series: Gonda Indological Studies, IV
    Distributed in North America by John Benjamins North America
    US/Canada only: Price: $72.00 ~ Contact: [email protected]
    Rest of the world contact: Egbert Forsten, Publisher
    PO Box 6148, 9702 HC Groningen, The Netherlands

Poetry and music have always been important parts of Tamil literature and from early times, Tamil poetry has been sung. It is not surprising, therefore, to find a number of operatic genres in Tamil literature.

One of these is 'kuravanci,' which was especially popular in the seventeenth to nineteenth century. In kuravanci, poetry and music are combined with dance to form highly entertaining works, in which serious parts are interspersed with humorous ones. This study deals with this fascinating opera-form. It gives an account of the stories told in these operas and of the various embellishments used in telling them. There is a large section on the poetical and musical forms used, explaining their construction and analyzing their use. Several examples of verses and songs are included. About two dozen kuravanci-works are discussed and a comparison is made between kuravanci and genres dealing with related themes. As may be expected, there has been much mutual influence.

Finally, there is a section on the large group of genres called 'prabandhams', of which kuravanci is one. These prabandhams form a varied group, ranging from very short to very long works and from purely descriptive to epic and operatic ones.

For further information please e-mail Bernadette Keck: [email protected]



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