05/08/09 |

Tsunamis and Earthquakes "Tsunamis - sometimes
incorrectly called tidal waves - are extremely powerful waves
caused by large undersea disturbances. (The name tsunami
derives from Japanese for 'harbor wave' reflecting the fact that
harbors can concentrate the energy of a tsunami. True tidal
waves, also known as tide waves, are long-period waves
associated with the tide-producing forces of the moon and the
sun and which are identified with the rising and falling of the
tide.)" |
Tamils around the World
Rally to Support Victims of Tsnumai in Tamil Eelam |
Tsunami & the Killing of Pirapaharan! - New Delhi's RAW & its
Running Dogs... |
& an Outpouring of Poems - Kavithaikal - சுனாமி கவிதைகள்
"The healing power of poetry -
the Truth that lives within each and every one of us; the Truth
that always liberates and never dies..." |
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation
(TRO) |
Eastern University, Sri Lanka - Tsunami
Information Centre |
Maps of Tsunami Affected Areas in the island of Sri Lanka |
Catastrophes of the past in
Tamil Aham: poetic exaggeration or scientific facts? |
பேரலைகளால் இறந்தோர் விபரம் at |
Video clips from the aftermath of the Tsunami
disaster |
நேர்காணல் -
இன்பத் தமிழ் ஒலி வானொலிக்கு திருமலை கட்டளைத்தளபதி கேணல் சொர்ணம்
வழங்கிய நேர்காணல் (03.01.05)
இன்பத் தமிழ் ஒலி வானொலிக்கு மட்டு. அம்பாறை அரசியற்துறை
பொறுப்பாளர் கௌசல்யன் வழங்கிய நேர்காணல் (03.01.05)
புலிகளின் குரல் வானொலிக்கு தமிழர்
புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழகத்தின் திட்டமிடல் பணிப்பாளர் லோறன்ஸ் கிறிஸ்டி
வழங்கிய நேர்காணல் (27.12.04)
26.01.06 வடமராட்சி கிழக்கு உடுத்துறையில் ஆழிப்பேரலையில்
உயிரிழந்தவர்களின் உடல்கள் புதைக்கப்பட்ட இடத்தில் நடைபெற்ற
வணக்க நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு

Disaster Appeal from Killinochchi Medical
Association |
in Eelam |
Living Heritage Tsunami Trincomalee Relief -
Kataragama Trust |
- Courtesy
Tamil Naatham
Devastation in.. |
situation grim
Coastal villages of
Koyilkudiyiruppu, Mullivaykal, Kallappadu, Silavaththai,
Alampil, and Unnappuluvu in Mullaitivu district were severely
hit by the tidal waves. |

Sambaltheevu, Linganagar, Kuchchaveli, Pulmoddai, Kinniya and
Mutur are among the villages that were severely hit in
Trincomalee district. |

Mariamman Temple, Gopalapuram

more Trincomalee photos |

Uduthurai, Aaliyawalai, Chempianpattu, Maruthankerni,
Vettilaikerni villages in Vadamaradchy East are severely
affected by flash flooding |


more photos from
Vadamaratchi |

more photos from
Amparai & Thirukovil |
more photos at
Eelavision |
Tsunami Disaster & Tamil Eelam
[see also
Tsunami Disaster & Tamil Nadu]
நடுக்க ஆழிப்பேரலை:
உலகத் தமிழர்களுக்கு கவிஞர் அறிவுமதி வேண்டுகோள்!
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation - Coordination & Support Centre,
Tsunami Disaster Management Unit (DMU) "To
address the immediate and life-threatening relief and rehabilitation needs of
those affected by the Tsunami in the NorthEast of Sri Lanka, the Tamils
Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) has set up a Disaster Management Unit (DMU) at
its head office in Colombo. Our objective is to co-ordinate all emergency relief
work in the NorthEast and we have many dedicated employees and volunteers
working around the clock. The DMU is structured to address urgent needs and
maximize efficiency and we have identified and established the following
divisions: Medical, Logistics & Procurement, Communication & Media, Data
collection & management, Finance / Administration. The DMU is fully functional
and has been delivering emergency relief items to affected areas in the
NorthEast from day one of the disaster. "
14 July 2006 |
Joint Evaluation of the international
response to the Indian Ocean tsunami:
Synthesis Report. London: Tsunami
Evaluation Coalition. - Telford, J, and
J Cosgrave
April 2006 |
Tsunami - A study on disaster response
in Sri Lanka
- Claudia von Braunmühl
Reinhardt Bolz, Linus Jayatilake Bread
for the World, Kath Noble Heinrich Böll
Foundation, Shreen Saroor medico
international |
June 2005 |
Report on Emergency Relief and
Rehabilitation for Tsunami Affected Sri
Lanka, 26 December 2004 – 26 June 2005
"Six months after
a devastating tsunami overwhelmed
the coast of Sri Lanka on 26
December 2004, the Tamils
Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) is
publishing this report to provide
awareness of its tsunami related
activities including current
projects, challenges and partners. "
7 April 2005 |
SANGAMAM - East Meets West -
Classical Indian Carnatic Music concert
by Western Instrumental musicians
in aid of Asian Tsunami Relief |
4 April 2005 |
Reporting on a Visit to Tamil Eelam -
Shiranee Pararajasingham from Australia |
1 April 2005 |
Tsunami Disaster Situation Report – Sri
Lanka Report Number 4 - Jointly
published by Tamil Information Centre
(UK), Centre for Human Rights and
Development (Sri Lanka) |
26 March 2005 |
ஒலிபரப்பாகும் சக்தி FM வானொலியின் எரிமலை
நிகழ்ச்சிக்கு தமிழ்த் தேசியக்
கூட்டமைப்பின் நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர்
ஈழவேந்தன் வழங்கிய பேட்டி part
1 &
part - 2 |
22 March 2005 |
'Mr.Kadirgamar is not impressed'
Interview on BBC Hard Talk -
Video Presentation - also in
"Sri Lanka suffered the second highest number
of casualties in the Indian Ocean tsunami. Thirty thousand
people died and one million were left homeless. Three months on,
what is the state of affairs in a country already ravaged by the
effects of thirty years of civil war? The tsunami disaster was
seen as an opportunity to re-start stalled peace talks but it
seems to have only heightened tensions, with accusations the
government is deliberately withholding aid from going to
controlled areas. HARDtalk spoke with Sri Lanka's Foreign
Minister about reconstruction efforts and the tense situation
between the government and the LTTE, Tamil Tiger rebel group."
"BBC: What is the government's response to the
accusation that aid is being withheld from Tamil Tiger areas?
Kadirgamar. Totally and horribly false
- this is being put about by mischief makers and propagandists..
Take the food situation in the first two months. Earlier
on there were accusations that people in the Tamil areas were
starving and had no water - that was a load of rubbish.."
BBC: It is not only Tamil Tigers who are
saying this. Local NGOs are saying it. Western Aid
organisations.. Let me tell you what John Charly from
Refugees International said - he says that the Government when
faced with the choice of spending foreign aid in Galle in the
south or in Tamil areas in the North and East, the
government would give it in Galle where its Sinhala
constituencies are based
Kadirgamar: That is a wholly
unsubstantiated allegation. BBC:
This is not a Tiger rebel saying it, is it
Kadirgamar: I do not know who he is
BBC: He is a western NGO. He is one of
many NGOs who is saying that this government is withholding aid
to Tamil Tiger areas Kadirgamar:
I am sorry - that does not impress me in the slightest....
18 March 2005 |
17 March 2005 |
Qualitative Assessment of
Psycho-Social Issues Following the Tsunami
Final Draft of Report prepared on behalf of the
Mental Health Task Force in Disaster - Dr Kate Danvers, Prof. Daya
Somasundaram, Dr S. Sivayokan, Dr Sivashankar |
14 March 2005 |
Tsunami disaster in the island of Sri Lanka - A comparison between
the affected North East and South & West - Tamil Centre for
Human Rights |
18 February 2005 |
Report from
the NorthEast - Arjunan Ethirveerasingam
"We have just returned from our
first day surveying Tsunami damage in Kalmunai, a small town on
the Eastern Coast of Sri Lanka, and it is very hard to keep from
breaking down. The mind cannot conceive of the human tragedy
that occurred here on 12/26/05. The pictures on TV, the words of
the commentators, the words that you read: none can ever do
justice to the vastness and thoroughness of the power of the
waves’ destruction both in physical and emotional terms. ...The
sounds of the waves crashing at my feet seem calm and soothing
but they bring terror to the children of the area. Many of the
parents have told us that their children wake up screaming in
terror in the middle of the night. It seems unnatural that
something so beautiful and life giving could have been
responsible for so much death and destruction."
14 February 2005 |
Tsunami Destruction in Tamil
Eelam - Power Point Presentation - click
14 February 2005 |
Tsunami - A visit to Sri Lanka
- A humanitarian mission sponsored by the Association for Play
Therapy and Operation, USA by Kate Amatruda
look on the map and see that Sri Lanka is a teardrop off the coast of India.
I have not slept through the night since I returned from Sri Lanka five days
ago. It is the eyes that haunt me; the eyes of the father whose daughter was
ripped out of his arms, the eyes of the grandmother who saw her children and
grandchildren swept away. A generation lost in a heartbeat. I see shock on
the faces of the survivors, and am reminded yet again of how everything can
change in an instant. Whether it is an earthquake, a Tsunami, a tornado, or
planes hitting towers, life is so fragile. Everything can be gone in the
blink of an eye; we are so little, nature and war are so big. Yet we have
this illusion, at least in the West, that we are in control. So I look, and
look again, compelled to try to discern how people do it. How do you go on
when your village, your home, your family, is destroyed? I see the faces of
those who I met in the refugee camps, and it is the eyes that capture me.
And it is the eyes of the children that haunt me, and make me unable to
sleep through the night. " |
10 February 2005 |
Tsunami Disaster Situation
Report – Sri Lanka Report Number 3 - Jointly published by Tamil
Information Centre (UK), Centre for Human Rights and Development
(Sri Lanka) |
5 February 2005 |
Witnessing First Hand the
Devastation of the Tsunami - Suresh Sriskandarajah, Canada
"...Before Boxing Day, I was scheduled to go
on a foreign aid mission in northeastern Sri Lanka along with a
group of students from all over the world. The group included 11
UW students and was set to be in Mullaitivu, one of the regions
most affected by the tsunami. However, our plans were postponed
at the last minute due to heavy rain experienced in the area the
night before. Immediately after we learned about the tsunami, we
all wanted to do as much as we could to help. A few of us were
able to reach the affected regions with money and supplies
shortly after the first wave hit. It was an unbearable scene to
see truckloads of human bodies being carried out..."
4 February 2005 |
Planning-Protecting-Precautionary measures for Tsunami / Tidal Waves
in Tamil Nation - D.V.Nathan |
30 January 2005 |
Tsunami Statistics for NE at |
30 January 2005 |
Parimalanathan, an Australian Tamil , writes on her return from
North-East Sri Lanka - Death, Destruction & Discrimination [The
writer is a Student Volunteer from one of the Universities in
Sydney, who originally went to Sri Lanka to help in the hospitals]
"..I have just returned from my
stay in tsunami affected Northeast Sri Lanka, having been there
from the day the tsunami hit.The images of the people and their
suffering are still clear in my mind. Their cries for help,
their wails, their mourning still ring loudly in my ear. Words
cannot describe the extent of the damage the people I have seen
have experienced. I have lost count of the number of orphans I
have come across, the number of mothers who have watched as
their infants were snatched from their fingers by the waters,
and the number of husbands – the bread winners – with no family
to feed...I write this from experience. I was there amidst the
atrocity. I saw the discrimination. I witnessed the
26 January 2005 |

ஆழிப்பேரலையின் 31வது நினைவு சுமந்த நாள்
நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு |
24 January 2005 |
Don't include LTTE in post-tsunami rebuilding effort - JVP
"Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), a major coalition
partner of President Chandrika Kumaratunga's Freedom Alliance government and
a self styled radical marxist party that draws on Sinhala nationalist
sentiments to augment its popularity, has expressed its strong opposition to
the government's bid to include the Liberation Tigers in the post-tsunami
relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation process using the outpouring
international aid resources.Addressing to a large number of JVP relief
workers assigned to the Amparai and Battticaloa districts, JVP's leader
Somawansa Amarasinghe has said in Polonnaruwa last week that the party would
not accept the LTTE's participation in this effort as it would give
advantage to legitimize the LTTE."
23 January 2005 |
Tsunami Disaster & Tamil Eelam:
Some Reflections - Sara Ananthan |
23 January 2005 |
Sinhala Columnist
H.L.D.Mahindapala in the Asian Tribune on Muralitharan & the Tsunami
"...Muttiah Muralidharan, the controversial spin bowler,
is now bowling against the Sri Lankan government from Prabhakaran’s end.
He has declared publicly that the Sri Lankan government has not provided
aid to the LTTE-controlled areas .. (and) said that Prabhakaran is the
only Tamil leader who had given dignity to the Tamils... Murali, like all
other Tamils, climbed
on the back of the Sinhalese
and now he is kicking the ladder on which he climbed after he reached the
22 January
2004 |
Equitable aid distribution, focus of Pirapaharan, Norway meet
Leaders of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Eelam (LTTE) today requested the Norwegian government delegation
led by its Foreign Minister Mr.Jan Petersen to ensure that the
northeast region received equitable proportion of the
international aid Sri Lanka is expected to receive in the
aftermath of tsunami disaster. In the NorthEast region about
seventy five thousand families have been affected and around
25,000 have lost their lives, the Norwegian delegation was told.

18 January 2005 |
Despite Rebel
Ties, Tamil Aid Group Earns High Marks - Colin Freeze, The Globe and
Mail, Toronto
"...Naren Narendran laughs the bitterest laugh
imaginable when he is asked how the Tamil Rehabilitation
Organization learned how to help displaced people. "We were
adequately trained," the 49-year-old director of the TRO's
disaster-management unit says in a deadpan manner. He, too, is a
refugee, having fled angry mobs as Sri Lanka's long-simmering
cauldron of ethnic tensions erupted 20 years ago.Mr. Narendran ran
all the way to Australia, where he became a financial manager. But
now he is back in Sri Lanka, working out the complicated logistics
of disaster relief. Trucks have to be loaded, communications lines
have to be set up and battle plans have to be drawn. He is here to
impose order on all the chaos, as well as to give something back to
an organization that he says has stuck with the Tamils through two
decades of civil war. Many others swear by the organization -- from
the expatriates who gathered in Toronto banquet halls in recent
weeks to raise money for tsunami aid, to the professionals who have
returned to Sri Lanka to work for the charity, to the thousands of
displaced Tamils who depend on the TRO for aid..."
17 January 2005 |
Pirapaharan meets
with disaster management planners
"Although our people have suffered
through severe hardships, we are shocked by the scale of destruction
and loss of lives tsunami has inflicted on our community within a
short period of time. Our people were displaced several times and
suffered losses to their property
the actions of the Sri Lanka Army during the past several years.
While this period where the destruction to the Tamil homeland was
inflicted silently without the knowledge of the international
community can be called tsunami-one, December 26th disaster,
tsunami-two, has brought additional destruction...At the same time I
urge the expatriate community to do everything necessary to help the
people affected by the disaster. We should not wait for aid and
relief from the international agencies but start immediately to
bring hope and confidence to our affected people.We should not
allow our people to become a community that is dependent on
international aid." more
16 January 2005 |
Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Sunday
Times on Kofi Annan's Failure to Visit Tamil Areas - An Agenda within an
"..The Colombo Government had reason to believe - amidst
the swirling rumours of the LTTE supremo's purported death in the tsunami -
that he was to make a grand appearance to shake Dr. Annan's hand if he did
eventually set foot on LTTE-held territory.....what if Dr. Annan had met
with him? The track record of the UN chief in such matters is also worth
scrutiny.... he has met with rebel leaders in the Western Sahara and in
pre-independent East Timor where there has been some UN role like
peace-keeping troops... The Italian government has already justified giving
direct aid to the LTTE areas. UN agency chiefs have meanwhile made it a
practice to visit the Tiger den and sup with the rebels while engaging their
officers in these areas...The words of EPDP Minister Douglas Devananda
quoted by our Political Editor some months ago where he reiterates that the
LTTE is working towards an East Timor situation - creating a virtual State
environment by gaining international recognition, including that of the UN
prior to Independence, should ring in the ears of those who have been
carried away by the belief that the government ought to have allowed the UN
chief to visit the Tigers' lair.."
16 January 2005 |
US Deputy Defence Secretary on a review visit to Colombo
"Deputy Defence Secretary of the United States of America,
Paul Wolfowitz is scheduled to arrive in Colombo Monday morning on a short
review visit to meet Sri Lankan government officials and tour to
tsunami-affected areas in the Southern Galle district."
15 January 2005 |
Sri Lanka first denies and then allows UN Aid Agency visit to
"Morris has already visited tsunami-hit areas of southern
Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan authorities deny trying to restrict a visit by the head of a
UN aid agency to a town hit by last month's tsunami in a rebel-held area.
The World Food Programme earlier said the government had deemed a helicopter
trip by WFP head James Morris to the town of Kilinochchi "difficult". The
government now says it will allow the visit to go ahead.."
14 January 2005 |
Tsunami Disaster Situation Report –
Sri Lanka Report Number 2 - Jointly published by Tamil Information
Centre (UK), Centre for Human Rights and Development (Sri Lanka)
13 January 2005 |
World Bank, ADB officials meet Thamilchelvan
"..Worldbank Country Director, Peter
Harold, in a meeting with Head of LTTE Political Wing,
S.P.Thamilchelvan, in Kilinochchi, expressed his condolences to
people over the loss of their loved ones and added, "the
institutions we represent, would continue extending solidarity in
the reconstruction efforts,” said the LTTE's peace secretariat
website. Associated with Mr Harold in the meeting was Alessandro
Pio, Country Director, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Brian Smith,
Post Conflict Specialist, ADB, Jeremy Carter, Sr. Resident
Representative IMF, Tomoyuki Kimura, Director, Japan Bank for
International Cooperation (JBIC), Ueshima Takumi, Resident
Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA),
Mitsuo Kawaguchi Counsellor, Embassy of Japan and Mr. Naresha
Duraiswamy of the World Bank."
13 January 2005 |
U.S. Marines head for eastern Sri
Lankan shores, close to areas with Tamil rebel influence
"The USS Duluth, an amphibious assault ship, was bound for eastern Sri
Lankan shores Thursday to carry out relief work that will bring it close to
areas controlled by Tamil Tiger rebels. The ship with 400 Marines and 400
Navy personnel set sail two days after it anchored off this southern town.
It will drop relief supplies in Ampara, one of the worst hit by the
disaster. In eastern Sri Lanka, Tamils and Muslims are the major communities
and the Tamil Tiger rebels have considerable influence. The area was the
scene of a major clash between the mainstream rebel group and a breakaway
faction in March and April last year. The breakaway faction was defeated. "
12 January 2005 |
“We perceive all international assistance as purely humanitarian”
“Relief assistance volunteered by all countries
including the United States of America, is perceived by us as purely
humanitarian and we hold no reservations as to which country assists
and what type of assistance it is” said Mr.S.P.Tamilselvan, Head of
the LTTE political wing, when asked by a foreign journalist to
comment on American marines involving in relief work.
12 January 2005 |
Indian Navy renders Sri Lankan harbours usable
Indian Navy's hydrographic survey teams and clearing crews
are enabling Sri Lanka to operationalise harbours, which were hit by the
tsunami on December 26.
12 January 2005 |
Military intimidation of relief workers escalate in Amparai, Batticaloa
The Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) in an urgent
press statement issued on Wednesday morning said that the intimidation of
relief workers by the Sri Lankan Special Task Force (STF) has been
escalating in several welfare centres in Batticaloa and Amparai. "The
positive relief efforts coordinated by the TRO after the recent
devastation are being severely disrupted due to recent STF intervention in
the East" said the press release. The organisation said it is in the process
of documenting incident reports as they continue to arise and sought
clarification from the Government of Sri Lanka the "exact nature of
instructions issued to the special task force".
12 January 2005 |
An appeal by a Student Volunteer
from USA - Vithya Balasubramaniam
"Three weeks ago, I had planned to visit Sri Lanka
with 52 other students from all over the world to do some service
work in the war torn areas. And for the first few days of my trip, I
actually managed to visit a few orphanages and spend some time with
the children and those who have become disabled due to the war. But
on December 26, my optimism on the country's restoration from war
all changed in a second...The people of the Tamil administered areas
in Sri Lanka have suffered for 20 years in war, being displaced out
of their homes, being injured, and losing loved ones. The cease
fire, which has been the past 3 years, has finally put a light at
the end of the tunnel allowing them to finally start rebuilding
their lives. And in a few minutes, it was all taken away from them
again...If you wish to contribute to the relief, please do so
through Tamil Rehabilitation Organization or International Medical Health
. And please do not think that you may not have enough. Anything is
worth something. It only costs 10 cents to buy a bar of soap and
less than a dollar for satisfying meal. "
12 January 2005 |
Sri Lanka: ADB, JBIC, World Bank to Visit Tsunami Affected North
"The country directors of the Asian Development
Bank (ADB), World Bank and senior officers of the Japan Bank for
International Cooperation (JBIC), will visit the North East on 13
January as a part of the ongoing coordinated needs assessment for
rebuilding the tsunami affected parts of Sri Lanka.The team of
officers will meet Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’s political
chief, S.P. Thamilselvan and will visit the much affected Mullaitivu
to assess first hand the damage to the area."
12 January 2005 |
R.Cholan Writes to President
"I got all choked up when I heard of your announcement to
adopt a ‘Tamil’ child orphaned by the tsunami. What a wonderful gesture it
is, for the ‘ethnic’ Sinhalese president of the country to adopt an ‘ethnic’
Tamil child, at a time when the country is torn apart precisely by this
‘ethnic’ difference. Your secretary’s statement that it is a ‘personal
decision’ and not a ‘political’ one, adds to the nobility of your
decision... I would like to, however, ask that you to follow Mahatma
Gandhi’s advice in a similar situation. Gandhi was fasting to protest the
Hindu-Muslim riots, where the Hindus and Muslims were killing each other. A
remorseful Hindu, who had killed an innocent Muslim to avenge the killing of
his son by a Muslim mob, approached Gandhi to beg for clemency. The Mahatma
said to him: “Go adopt a child… Be sure it’s a Muslim child… Only, raise him
as a Muslim…” Please adopt a Tamil child, Ms. Kumaratunga, but be sure to
raise that child as a Tamil."
12 January 2005 |
Vultures seen in the sky says Richard Markandu
"There are vultures seen waiting for the prey.
This include ministers, and popular Sinhalese political figures in
the cabinet. Their eyes seem to be focused on medical supplies,
clothing and food items that belong to Tsunami victims. The
international community should not be surprised if the huge sum of
relief funds that have been allocated to Tsumani victims go into the
tills created by these men and women..."
12 January 2005 |
IBC Real Play Radio on Kofi Annan's Failure and LTTE's Relief Work
- Thinnai - Current Political View - participants Analyst Jothilingam,
திண்ணை - சமகால அரசியல் பார்வை - பங்கேற்பவர்கள் ஆய்வாளர்
ஜோதிலிங்கம் நந்தன் |
11 January 2005 |
Fragile State: In Sri Lanka,
Aid To Tamils Deepens Political Tensions;
Officials Worry Expats' Efforts May Spark Rebels' Resolve say
James Hookway and Jay Solomon in Wall Street Journal
Tamils from around the world are mobilizing to respond to Sri Lanka's
humanitarian crisis. Yet the speed and success with which the Tamil diaspora
has acted also presents an unusual political risk for the country..."
11 January 2005 |
R Shanmugananthan on the Callousness of the Chandrika Government
"While Tamils are grappling with the enormous
rehabilitation work from the tsunami, the government is trying hard to
obstruct any relief work in Tamil areas. In government-controlled Tamil
areas Sinhalese soldiers are hindering the relief efforts being carried out
by TRO. They are grabbing the emergency relief supplies and diverting them.
In Trincomalee, according to reports from that area, they are diverting TRO
emergency supplies to unaffected Singhalese areas. In other Tamil areas they
are grabbing the relief supplies from TRO and distributing the supplies
themselves. Seeing government soldiers in the rehabilitation camps is
causing panic. Seeing a Sinhalese soldier in their camp is the last thing a
traumatised Tamil person needs..."
11 January 2005 |
Engaging Rebels in
Reconstruction Efforts - Zachariah Cherian Mampilly University of
California, Los Angeles
"The Tamil areas of Sri Lanka and the Aceh province
of Indonesia, both sites of violent separatist movements, were also
two of the most affected areas. Casualty and damage figures for
these areas are slowly trickling out, but their status as rebel held
territories limits the speed with which information about each
emerges and, more dangerously, the potential for timely
reconstruction efforts. Surprisingly, it is not the lack of
authority in these areas, but long standing norms about the role of
recognized governments that is the greatest hindrance to
rebuilding..." more
10 January 2005 |
Tsunami & Sri Lanka: Emerging
Realities Brian Senewiratne
"..Even in the face of a national disaster,
ethnic and political considerations are never too far away in Sri Lankan
thinking, in particular in the minds of the Sinhalese politicians of all
parties. The best example of this is a recent statement by President
Chandrika Kumaratunga that the Tamil Tigers had lost too many cadres in the
tsunami disaster to resume the armed struggle. This is an outrageous comment
from a national leader whose country has been decimated. Faced with a
national crisis from an unavoidable natural disaster, all that the President
could do was to focus on what ‘benefit’ it could be towards settling her
political problems...
In a disaster such as this, there is rarely
any difficulty in raising money or goods. Such is the generosity of ordinary
people across the world. The problem is its delivery to the affected people.
If this is left in the hands of the Government, Sri Lankan or any other, it
will not go where it is most needed. The entire effort of raising the aid
will then be nothing but a betrayal of the trust of people who have given so
generously to alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate. The damage done
is many layered and unless at least some of these are addressed the aid may
well be wasted. There are people in positions of power who have an agenda
and a hidden agenda and it is our business to identify and address these.
This is a lot harder than colleting aid but infinitely more useful. "
10 January 2005 |
Kumaratunga appoints EPDP to Tsunami District Task Force established in
Jaffna, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Amparai districts
"Representatives of the Eelam Peoples Democratic Party
(EPDP) have been appointed to the District Task Force (DTF) established in
Jaffna, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Amparai districts to coordinate relief
and rehabilitation of tsunami victims who are sheltered in welfare centers,
on a directive from Sri Lanka’s President, Ms.Chandrika Kumaratunga....
Mr.R.Sampanthan, Trincomalee district parliamentarian and
TNA parliamentary group leader, and Mr.Elilan, the LTTE’s Trincomalee
district political head, ... argued that the EPDP has no right to be in the
tsunami DTF, saying that the EPDP has no parliamentary representation
in the Trincomalee district. Mr. Elilan stressed that the LTTE is in the DTF
because it has now been engaged in political activities
according to the ceasefire agreement
entered into between the LTTE and Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL).
9 January 2005 |
Sinhala Attempt to Intimidate
Tamil Post Master in London
"Last Tuesday (04/01/21005) a person visited the post
office in London where I am the postmaster. It is a post office with a
grocery shop. There is a collection box in the shop and a White Pigeon
poster in the post office window for Tsunami victims of Tamil Eelam. The
person asked if I am the owner of the post office and he asked me for a copy
of the White Pigeon notice and he wanted to have a discussion about that
poster. I gave him a copy of the poster. He asked who gave me this poster
and told me it is illegal to collect money for the LTTE because it is a
banned organisation in the UK. I told him that White Pigeon is a registered
charity organisation in the UK and we have a charity number on the
poster...I asked him who he was. He said that he is a journalist for the
Island and his name is Dushy Ranatunge and to tell the LTTE because they
know me. I told them they don’t care about fools like you and he went
9 January 2004 |
Executive Director, TRO meets UN Secretary General and submits letter
detailing TRO's lead in the NorthEast in providing Tsunami relief
9 January 2005 |
Kofi Annan hails LTTE-led relief efforts
"UN Secretary General, Mr. Kofi Annan, hailed the
relief efforts led by the Liberation Tigers in the wake of the Asian
tsunami of December 26th and expressed his disappointment over the
Sri Lankan governments veto of his plans to visit LTTE held areas
devastated by the waves, when he met Tamil parliamentarians Sunday.
"I commend the LTTE
and the
for the very good work they have been doing", he told the MPs."
8 January 2005 |
Colombo blocks Kofi Annan from touring LTTE held areas - UN officials
Lanka's government has stopped visiting U.N. Secretary-General Kofi
Annan from touring tsunami-ravaged areas controlled by the LTTE,
despite his requests a Reuters report filed from Hambantota said.
Annan was quoted as saying: "I am here on a humanitarian mission. I
would like to visit all the areas, but as you know I am here as a
guest of the government and they set the itinerary". UN officials
told Reuters that they had been striving to convince the government,
but to no avail. "It is a relief visit, not a political one. The
secretary general wanted to go, but it just didn't happen," said one
official on condition of anonymity to Reuters. .."
[see also:
Reuters Report:
Sri Lanka Stops Annan from seeing tsunami-hit rebels
Tsunami ravaged community in northeast pleads for Kofi Anan to
and Expatriate
Tamils urge Kofi Annan to visit Mullaitivu..]
8 January 2005 |
Aid efforts in Sri Lanka hampered by
obstruction from Sri Lanka's airforce - Caroline Gammell in Colombo in
"The Sri Lankan airforce has confiscated two planes
donated by the Italian government which can land on sea or ground and were
brought in to deliver aid to the most remote areas. Each aircraft can carry
six tonnes and were welcomed by relief workers last week. But now they are
being held by the air force and are lying idle at the domestic airport in
Ratmallan, Colombo.... “They say they want to check that the aid is not
going to any Tamil organisation. The stuff (to be loaded on to the planes)
was actually from the UN, it was completely legitimate and this is the air
force’s way of keeping control.”
8 January 2005 |
LTTE condemns Sri Lanka State Media Reports
"...Referring to a news item broadcasted by the
Government owned Sri Lankan Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) Saturday
morning, quoting Vice Admiral Daya Sandagiri as the source person,
that the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the
Intelligence Chief of the organisation are among the dead or
reported missing consequent to the Tsunami tidal wave attack, the
LTTE in a press release said that it "strongly protested against the
mischievous act of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, stooping
down to such low level of broadcasting news that are fabricated by
interested parties... The government has a moral responsibility to
ensure that its media exercise extra caution in broadcasting news
material that tend to create tension and confusion, especially at a
time the people are in distress consequent to the natural
Navalady - A village turned graveyard

"..What used to be Navalady village is today an earthen stage
containing the corpses of the villagers the sea claimed on Boxing
Day as it swept into the land. And the villagers who remain struggle
to cope with the shock, distress and pain of the effects of that
day. They speak of one fisherman, Ravi, who saved at least a hundred
people. And they remember the families they lost in minutes..."
7 January 2005 |
Resources are stretched, and the Tigers want to resettle families in
tents as soon as possible.
""We cannot continue to provide them with all this
help all the time. They will have to go," said A. Sivagnanasutharam,
a project officer with the Tigers' humanitarian aid wing the Tamil
Rehabilitation Organisation, who is overseeing one camp."We'll
provide them with rations, but they'll have to cook on their own
without having camps like this," he added.Behind him, some of the
displaced helped spray disinfectant around the camp and inside tents
made from welded metal poles and plastic sheeting to ward off
disease. Others cooked lentils and rice in giant black vats, while
most squatted in shade under trees, despondent and downcast.The
Tigers are giving affected families 1,000 rupees ($10) each in
pocket money to tide them over."
6 January 2005 |
TRO - Tsunami Disaster Management Unit - Stituation Report |
6 January 2004 |
"Tamils will resist Sri Lanka Army takeover of Welfare Centers" says
Colonel Soosai, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam |
6 January 2005 |
Tsunami victims flee as Sri Lanka Army moves into Trinco welfare centres
"Hundreds of Tsunami victims fled from welfare
centres in the Sri Lanka government controlled areas in the
Trincomalee district when Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers carrying
weapons entered the welfare centres to take over the management
Thursday on a directive by Sri Lanka's President Ms Chandrika
Kumaratunge, several volunteers said. Mr.S.Elilan, Trincomalee
district political head of the LTTE Thursday evening lodged a
complaint with the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) in the east
port town that the army taking over welfare centres sheltering
Tsunami victims is a violation of the
ceasefire agreement which is in force since February 2002. He
also brought to the notice of the SLMM that the SLA soldiers are not
adhering to the decision arrived at a discussion held in the SLMM
office Thursday morning, sources said."
5 January 2005 |
Sri Lanka Armed Forces take over refugee camps and harass TRO
"..In a sudden move, the Sri Lankan Armed Forces
are manning the refugee camps in Amparai, Batticaloa and Trincomalee
since Tuesday. The Special Task Force (STF) in Thirukovil, Amparai
have hijacked two tractors of TRO relief supplies and distributed
them after removing the TRO labels. "The Sri Lanka Army (SLA) and
Special Task Force (STF) have stepped up their harassment of workers
of the Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO)", Mr.K.P.Reggie,
Executive Director of the TRO, told TamilNet .While goods sent to
the East continue to be stopped at checkpoints and delayed, TRO
workers are also being harassed in Trincomalee, Batticaloa and
5 January 2005 |
Shared in Sri Lanka - Boston
Globe Editorial
"...A relief organization that cooperates with the
Tigers, the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization, or TRO, has been
assisting not only Tamil Hindus in the northeast but also Buddhist
Sinhalese and Muslim families. The central government, however,
wants nothing to do with the Tiger-linked TRO. In one community in
northeastern Jaffna Peninsula, Tamil peasants refused food aid from
a contingent of Sri Lankan Army soldiers, whom the locals had come
to fear. According to the peasants, the soldiers later returned with
their faces covered, entered a shed where local Tamil volunteers had
stored food parcels, and burned it down. After visiting a Tamil town
in the northeast that was destroyed by the tidal wave, Carol
Bellamy, executive director of UNICEF, said Monday that the TRO's
"well-coordinated relief arrangements put in place within so short a
time are all really commendable.""
5 January 2005 |
Divided Nation - Sri Lanka
rebels take up aid effort Jehangir S. Pocha, Boston Globe
"..Members of the Tamil Tigers, separatist rebels
who control large swaths of Sri Lanka's north and east, are
appealing to international organizations to bypass the central
government and send aid directly to the tsunami-devastated regions
within their territories, saying they have received little help in
the 10 days since the disaster... Some international aid workers
have said they were surprised by the speed and efficiency with which
the Tigers organized relief efforts after the tsunami hit on Dec.
26. While some Sri Lankan authorities appeared to be overcome by a
shock-induced inertia for days, the Tigers organized search and
rescue operations in the first hours of the disaster, according to
refugees.The Tigers also set up a multi-agency task force of Tiger
officials, representatives of the international organizations
present in the area, local nonprofit groups, and even some Sri
Lankan government officials. This facilitated the quick disposal of
bodies, clearing affected areas and setting up more than 35 refugee
4 January 2005 |
LTTE's urgent appeal to the media
"This is an urgent appeal to the National and
International Media in the context of the post-Tsunami disaster
situation in the North-East and the humanitarian delivery to the
displaced. We observe inaccuracies in reports that tend to mislead
the people on matters that are purely humanitarian. Any bias and
inaccuracy in reporting tend to irreparably damage the collective
efforts that are underway in humanitarian delivery and hence this
appeal to exercise caution and responsibility that the situation
Reports such as “Tiger rebels torch welfare centre
in the north” “Aid from the south is prevented by the LTTE”,
“Russian doctors denied access to LTTE areas” etc are unfortunate.
Verification from appropriate sources, for instance, the Sri Lanka
Monitoring Mission (SLMM) or the relevant party would have clarified
matters relating to the truth or otherwise, rather than depending on
sources that have ulterior motives."
4 January 2005 |
Tamil Tiger Guerrillas Directing
Relief Effort - In Ruined Town, Rebels Outperform Officials - John
Lancaster in Washington Post
""All the activity that's been going on here has
been guided or sponsored by the Tigers"... "The central government
hasn't given anything, really." The Tigers have also been taking the
lead in sheltering refugees, establishing an emergency task force
along with representatives of international aid organizations and
the central government, which maintains a low-key administrative
presence in the area."
4 January 2005 |
Planning and Development Secretariat gears for phase two & three
of tsunami relief in Northeast
"The LTTE with its quick deployment ability and
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) with generous
assistance from the Tamil Diaspora and the international NGOs, are
tackling the immediate Tsunami relief needs, the first phase of the
relief efforts. The Liberation Tigers are calling for international
assistance to meet phase two and three of the relief effort", LTTE's
Political Head Mr. S. P. Thamilchelvan told TamilNet following a
conference with Norwegian Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Mr Hans
Brattskar, in Killinochchi where they discussed the proper
channeling of aid to northeast for phase two and three of Tsunami
relief as being planned by Planning & Development Secretariat..."

4 January 2005 |
LTTE Planning and Development Secretariat sends Australian and Korean
doctors to the East
4 January 2005 |
Project to resurrect Mullaitivu fishing industry planned
"The Economic Consultancy House (TECH), a Non
Governmental Organization that promotes socio-economic and
technological development, and registered with the Government of
Srilanka, has issued a project plan costing nearly Rs2 billion, to
assist the more than 5700 fishing families in Mullaitivu district
affected by the tsunami disaster to return to their traditional
trade.. TECH expects to provide Rs 340,000 worth of assistance to
each family to buy fishing nets (Rs 100,000), an outboard motor (Rs
150,000), fishing boat (Rs 80,000) and miscellaneous expenses of Rs
10,000. .. 22 villlages affected in Mullaitivu coastal areas are to
be grouped into three zones, Chundikulam, Vadduvahal-Nayaru and
Nayaru-Thiriyai and each of these three centers will receive a
salt-grinding mill, ice manufacturing plant and a boat repairing
facility as part of subsequent phases of the project. TECH is
soliciting funding from donor agencies and tamil expatriates for
immediate implementation of the project."
3 January 2005 |
LTTE's Efficient Military Machine Started Aid within Minutes reports
Arthur Max, Associated Press
"...Veterans of a long guerrilla war, the Tamil
rebels who control northern Sri Lanka moved with military precision
to help victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami. The speed and
efficiency of the massive humanitarian operation showed an
administrative capability that underscored the rebels' demand for
Tamil independence from the Sinhalese-dominated southern part of Sri
Lanka. Within minutes of the disaster, soldiers of the
Liberation Tigers
for Tamil-Eelam, or LTTE, were evacuating survivors and pulling
bodies from the still-roiling water, said villagers and aid workers.
In a well-practiced drill, squads set up roadblocks to control panic
and prevent looting. Others requisitioned civilian vehicles to move
the injured to hospitals. Many donated blood. Teams with digital
cameras and laptops moved into disaster zones to photograph the
faces of the dead for later identification, then swiftly cremated or
buried the corpses... Meanwhile, in the south, the government was
struggling to cope while politicians argued over who was in charge.
From the field came isolated reports of corruption and hijacking of
relief trucks."
3 January 2005 |
“Timely rescue and well coordinated relief arrangements are really
commendable” says -UNICEF Executive Director after a visit to LTTE
controlled Mullaittivu

“Resilience of the people, timely mobilisation of
the organisation’s human resources for the rescue and medical
operations that has saved valuable lives from death and the well
coordinated relief arrangements put in place within so short a time
are all really commendable” said Ms. Carol Bellamy Executive
Director of UNICEF after a visit to Mullaittivu.
2 January 2005 |
Tsunami Disaster Situation Report –
Sri Lanka , Report Number 1 Jointly published by Tamil Information
Centre (UK) and Centre for Human Rights and Development (Sri Lanka) |
2 January 2005 |
Long wait for help in east Sri Lanka |
1 January 2005 |
Summary of impact in NorthEast released by the
LTTE Peace Secretariat as at 09:00 am 1st January
District |
Dead |
Injured |
Missing |
Displaced |
Welfare Centres |
Families |
Individuals |
Amparai |
11225 |
2800 |
5300 |
44000 |
186405 |
126 |
Batticaloa |
2040 |
2100 |
6000 |
52117 |
212456 |
94 |
Jaffna & Vadamaradchi East |
778 |
1218 |
2000 |
16174 |
48729 |
32 |
Mullaitivu |
1666 |
1386 |
2750 |
5800 |
25210 |
19 |
Trincomalee |
947 |
2238 |
2431 |
37821 |
130684 |
87 |
Total |
16656 |
9742 |
18481 |
155912 |
603484 |
358 |
1 January 2005 |
1500 U.S Marines to arrive in Sri Lanka [see also
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka : Tracking the Norwegian
Conflict Resolution Initiative]
"U.S Ambassador to Sri Lanka , Jeffrey Lunstead,
U.S Commander of U.S Disaster Response Assessment Team (DRAT),
Colonel Thomas Collins, and a USAID representative said in a press
conference held at Hotel Galladhari in Colombo Saturday afternoon
that 1300 U.S Marines are to arrive in Colombo in a U.S Essex class
aircraft carrier, USS Bon Homme Richard, equipped with a helipad and
supporting five helicopters on board. The Aircraft Carrier, USS Bon
Homme Richard, which is to support full fledged U.S rescue
operations in Galle, Amparai, Trincomalee and Jaffna coasts is also
equipped with five small scale hovercrafts, the officials said in
the press conference. The hovercrafts will engage in point to point
rescue operations along the coasts, the officials added.A C-130
cargo carrier aircraft will also be supporting the rescue effort,
the Ambassasdor said during the press conference.200 US Marines are
expected to arrive on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning to setup
the required Command and Control system for the rescue operations."
1 January 2005 |
Sinhala Columnist Dayan Jayatilleke in the Asian Tribune on
the Impact of the Tsunami
"... Who will better harness the power of that
quake (the tsunami) - the Sri Lankan state, to build a united
country, or the Tigers, to accelerate separation?... If relief
and reconstruction are done right, we can, with the international
restructure while we construct...We now
have the world’s unprecedented attention, solidarity, sympathy and
support. Conceived in pain and tragedy, this moment is unique,
historic and precious..."
[see also
A Response to Dayan Jayatilleke by M.Thanapalasingham
பேய் அரசு செய்தால் பிணம் தின்னும் சாத்திரங்கள்]
31 December 2004 |
Tamil Tigers grapple with disaster
"..Little information has emerged from parts of
Sri Lanka controlled by the rebel Tamil Tigers following Sunday's
tsunami. The BBC gained access to the village of Mullaitivu in the
north-east of the island. Tamil Tiger rebels here say that more than
3,000 people died in Mullaitivu - that is out of a population of
more than 5,000. Buildings on the beach were completely flattened by
the waves. There is almost nothing left standing..."
31 December 2004 |
Parimalanathan, an Australian Tamil writes from North-East Sri Lanka
[The writer is a Student Volunteer from one of the Universities in
Sydney, who originally went to Sri Lanka to help in the hospitals]
"I am writing to you from North-East Sri Lanka,
one of the areas hit by the massive tsunami on December 26th. I
initially came here to do voluntary work at hospitals, however,
since the natural disaster, I have been roaming the streets, talking
to survivors and helping with some aid work. All I see is absolute
devastation. Local schools overflow with displaced people. Mourners
cry in huddled groups. There are families where only 3 out of 20
people have survived. So far I have met 105 families where a loss of
more than 10 people per family has occurred. Stories of the water
grabbing babies from their mothers' grip, stories of small children
being trapped underneath collapsing buildings, stories of entire
orphanages being engulfed by the sea still swirl in my head... It
has been five days since the tsunami, and I am yet to see any Sri
Lankan Government personnel arrive to assess the situation at any of
the areas in the North East province that I have been to. Yet,
branded as 'terrorists' by many nations, the LTTE are risking their
own lives, searching the seas for bodies whilst warning calls go out
for another tsunami..."
31 December 2004 |
fighting for fair share of disaster aid - Toronto Star
Top local officials of the Tamils
Rehabilitation Organization — the aid wing of the rebel Tamil Tigers
— offered detailed allegations yesterday of army interference and
sabotage in this isolated eastern enclave.
"The army confiscates these
things and brings them to Buddhist temples, or brings them to
welfare (refugee) centres without co-ordinating with us," said
Kirupa Sivam, TRO co-ordinator for Batticaloa city. "This is not
only a natural disaster but a man-made disaster."
Despite desperate living conditions
and shortages of basic necessities since the Asian tsunami that
killed as many as 30,000 people in Sri Lanka — about half of them
here in the northeast — the government is not distributing any aid
at all to these Tamil-dominated areas, he added. "The government has
not issued anything, not even one rupee of food, even until now,"
Sivam asserted. "Everything we're giving out is from our own local
fundraising and collections."
30 December 2004 |
Cut red tape to deliver urgent aid - LTTE
"Though the human disaster caused by the tidal
wave in the coastal belt of this island and other parts of the South
East Asian region, has a commonality in the destruction and misery
it left behind, the impact in the North-East coast of Sri Lanka is
manifold and more complex in view of the earlier devastations this
region has been subject to during the last two decades of a war”
said Mr.S.P.Tamilselvan, Head of the LTTE Political wing in his
opening address during the post disaster review confab held at the
Planning and Development Secretariat (PDS) held today 30 December
2004. The confab was organized as a follow-up of the formulation of
a Steering Committee and Special Task Forces to effectively carry
out rescue and relief operations in a post disaster situation.
Country Heads of UN Agencies and INGO’s, Donor community and
representatives from the North-East Provincial council, Academics
from the university community and the Tamil diaspora participated in
the confab.
30 December 2004 |
TCHR- North East death toll rises to 21,575, Still no International
relief or assistance received |
30 December 2004 |
TRO Provides Relief To Tsunami Victims: Urgent Need for Nurses
"TRO has allocated 12 million rupees for the
immediate relief provision to the region and deployed more than
three hundred volunteers to provide assistance to the victims.
Tsunami has taken its death toll with TRO too; they lost seven of
its 84 volunteers in Trincomalee district. They were deployed for
relief work during flood in the Eachchilampathu division.“TRO has
dispatched 18 trucks with relief materials from Colombo to North
East since the devastation struck the island,” said on Wednesday Mr.
C. Pararajasingham who works for the TRO Colombo office.
29 December 2004 |
Liberation Tigers send relief, medicine, doctors to Amparai
"...The Liberation Tigers sent six lorries from
Kilinochchi with emergency supplies and a lorry load of medicine
along with fifty doctors for relief operations on the Tsunami
devastated Amparai coast. The death toll in the coastal areas of the
Amparai district rose steeply Wednesday as rescue workers retrieved
more putrefying bodies from villages destroyed by the Tsunami.
“Three of our teams are working round the clock in rescue and relief
operations here”, said Mr. Ram, a Liberation Tigers commander
speaking to TamilNet from a coastal village in Amparai Wednesday.."
29 December 2004 |
Message on Tsunami Disaster - Velupillai Pirabaharan, Leader of Tamil
"My beloved and
respected Tamil people, Our homeland has faced an unprecedented
major disaster and is submerged in deep sorrow today. .. In the
island of Sri Lanka, the sea belt coast from Jaffna to Galle and
especially our homeland territories became targets of Nature’s fury
resulting in massive destruction of life and property. The
devastation caused by this tidal surge has exacerbated the
sufferings of our people already affected by a war that continued
for over twenty years and has torn asunder our nation. I convey my
feeling of attachment, consolation and deepest condolences to our
people who have lost their beloved and dearest, and undergoing
unbearable sorrow and pain."
29 December 2004 |
Latest Tsunami toll: 18,000 dead, 10,000 missing, 500,000 displaced
"..Political and racial undercurrents began to
surface as Sri Lanka's Prime Minister "spoke against direct relief
aid to Tamil rebels," according to an Associated Press report, even
as the Liberation Tigers accused the Sri Lanka Government of not
sending aid to affected areas in the NorthEast.
official of an international aid agency reported Wednesday that
Sinhalese mobs were blocking relief trucks from reaching the
frontier, diverting the supplies to their own hard-hit communities.
At least four trucks were stopped by a low-ranking government
official from crossing into the Tamil zone, said the official on
condition of anonymity," said the AP report datelined December 29
29 December 2004 |
Rehabilitation Organisation Media Release, Press Conference at Swiss TRO
Headquarters, Geneva
Rehabilitation Organisation which is a registered humanitarian
organization in Sri Lanka and a member of the consortium of
humanitarian organisations has grave concerns that our ability to
respond in a timely manner is being hindered by excessive
administrative, bureaucratic and control requirements imposed. We
are going through a critical phase of the relief efforts to address
the impact of the unparalleled calamity caused by Tsumani. Urgent
response is of paramount importance to arrest further deterioration
of this tragic situation. This is particularly so because relief
channelled through the Government of Sri Lanka has not reached the
people of the northeast of the Island...
TRO has been
in operation for over 19 years, and currently partners with
multilateral and UN Agencies and several international NGOs in major
rehabilitation and reconstruction projects and programmes in the
North-East of Sri Lanka. TRO has district offices and sub-offices in
each of the eight districts in the North-East of Sri Lanka and
employs over 3500 paid staff.
TRO has a
well trained de-mining staff that have undergone extensive training
including training provided by UN Agencies and are in full readiness
to address dangers caused by mines. Delays of relief reaching some
districts in the North-East are being attributed in some quarters to
problems regarding mines. TRO considers that dangers caused by free
floating mines are far less significant when compared to the
dangers of death by starvation and disease. Our staff and volunteers
live in this environment and have always been exposed to these risks
and have the acquired the expertise and capability to address these
concerns. "more
29 December 2004 |
TRO, USA Press Release Contact:M. Sritharan Secretary, Tamil
Rehabilitation Organization 517 Old Town Road, Cumberland MD 21502,
[email protected]
(301) 320 6344 -
"Tamil Rehabilitation Organization, USA is working
with local organizations in Sri Lanka including the Sri Lankan
charity TRO to provide urgent relief work. Hundreds of temporary
shelters have been set up by TRO and urgent medical supplies are
being dispatched. Team of volunteer doctors is arriving in NorthEast
within next few days. As much of the immediate medical and other
relief supplies are available in local market, monetary donations
are most useful in the short term."
29 December 2004 |
Helping Hands in Sri Lanka – But When in the NorthEast? - Alex Doss
"Several donor countries like the
United States, Germany, Japan, and Australia have pledged aid to the
countries effected by this destructive tsunami. However, in Sri
Lanka, where exactly are these funds going to? Why hasn’t any funds
reached the NorthEast as of yet? LTTE political wing leader SP
Tamilchelvan told BBC Tamilosai that, “international aid is going
mainly to the affected regions in the south.” As of now he is still
waiting for a response from the government of Colombo in regards to
the issue.
Reading each day from “fair
and balanced” news sites such as CNN and Fox, I have discovered
that the stories on the situation are mostly revolving around the
South and not a single story on Northeastern parts like Jaffna,
Trincomolee, Batticaloa, Kilinochi, and Mulaitivu. However, the
government of Sri Lanka has the edacity to include the number of
people dead from the Northeast in their overall coverage of
casualties on the island. This goes to show me that Colombo never
has and never will do anything for the Tamils of the Northeast,
leave alone during these times of crisis..."
28 December 2004 |
Tsunamai - Northeast death toll rises to 12200 - No relief or assistance
received from government or international community - TCHR
"...TCHR sources have so far confirmed the death
toll in the North East as 12,200 and the injured as more than
11,100. The death figure is likely to increase as the rescue and
recovery operations are still underway in the affected villages in
the North, East.....The Colombo media, especially TV and daily
newspapers in English and Singhalese have failed to give a breakdown
of the casualty and fatality figures, thus in effect putting a news
block on the tragic reality as experienced in the North East.
They also pointed out that the international help rendered to Sri
Lanka has not reached the affected people in the North East...
As the government help failed to reach the North East areas, the
Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation – TRO, which is presently helping
the victims round the clock, is
appealing for
international help.Their urgent requirements to attend to the
immediate phase are : Food items including milk powder, precooked
for 80,000 families - 3 meals for two weeks; clothing for women and
children; medicine -paracetamol, anti biotics, dressings, suture
material, disposable syringes etc; water purification tablets and
water containers; 25,000 temporary shelters and 50 medical tents;
non food items includes kitchen utensils, a hundred thousand mats
and portable generators..."more
28 December 2004 |
TRO lists immediate relief needs
"The following are urgent requirements to attend
to the immediate phase:
Food (includes milk powder,
precooked food) for 80 000 familes, 3 times/day, meals for two
weeks. Non food items (includes kitchen utensils, 100 000 mats)
Clothing (special concern for women and children)
Drugs (paracetamol, antibiotics, dressings, suture material,
disposable syringes) water purification tablets (500 000) and
water containers (5 lit. capacity) Temporary shelters (25,000
tents for a family of 4 and 50 medical tents) portable
generators (50) The above phase of operation would be
followed-up by preventive efforts to address water born diseases.
TRO is taking necessary efforts to gather required human and
material resources to commence this face as soon as possible."
28 December 2004 |
Relief Funds - Where to Contribute
- Ilankai Tamil Sangam USA
"All funds sent to these organizations will be
used for emergency assistance for victims of the Dec. 26 tsunami in
the NorthEast of Sri Lanka. Please mark your checks 'NE Tsunami
Relief.' All are staffed by volunteers so there is no overhead taken
out of the donations. All organizations are 501 (c) (3) charities
registered in the United States and all donations are
According to reports, of all the countries
affected, Sri Lanka was affected the most, of which the eastern
coast (from eastern Jaffna to Matara) is the worst affected.
Unlike the areas readily accessible to western reporters (south Sri
Lanka, eastern India, Thailand, Indonesia, etc.) the news from the
northeast Sri Lanka is very sketchy. The resource poor TamilNet
( and TamilNaatham ( are doing
their best and the news so far shows devastating damage. Over 5,000
have been reported killed, and the death toll is expected to rise.
Hundreds of thousands are said to be displaced and the exact figures
are unknown. The already impoverished population in the NorthEast
are said to be without food, shelter and sanitation.
According to today’s New York Times, officials in Colombo are
claiming ignorance of the situation in the NorthEast. The report
said: "It is a huge tragedy," said Lalith Weerathunga, secretary to
the Sri Lankan prime minister. "The death toll is going up all the
He said the government did not know what was happening in areas
of the northeast controlled by Tamil Tiger rebels.
This doesn’t surprise us, as the Colombo
government as always treated the NorthEast in a step-motherly
fashion. "
28 December 2004 |
Tsunamai - Northeast death toll rises to 12200 - No relief or assistance
received from government or international community - TCHR
"...TCHR sources have so far confirmed the death toll in
the North East as 12,200 and the injured as more than 11,100. The death
figure is likely to increase as the rescue and recovery operations are still
underway in the affected villages in the North, East.....The Colombo
media, especially TV and daily newspapers in English and Singhalese have
failed to give a breakdown of the casualty and fatality figures, thus in
effect putting a news block on the tragic reality as experienced in the
North East. They also pointed out that the international help
rendered to Sri Lanka has not reached the affected people in the North East...."more
28 December 2004 |
Disaster poses Huge Aid Challenge says UN
"The United Nations is mobilising what it says
will be its biggest relief operation ever in response to the Asian
quake disaster.. At least 10 countries have been affected, with
Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and Thailand among the worst hit.
...In Sri Lanka, about a million are now homeless..."
27 December 2004 |
Urgent Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance
- 8000 Dead and 500,000 Displaced in northeast of the
Island of Sri Lanka
"...The present resources available to TRO are
nowhere near sufficient to meet the huge crisis that has arisen and
we are faced with the prospect of an ever increasing toll of the
dead, outbreak of epidemics as the dead lie in open fields and
waterways, shortage of food and a continued denial of basic living
needs for a half a million people. Assistance channelled through the
Government of Sri Lanka has failed to reach the displaced in the
northeast. It is only through the immediate, unstinted and generous
support of the Tamil diaspora that we will be able to surmount the
humanitarian crisis that has arisen. The Tamils Rehabilitation
Organisation calls upon Tamils in each country to join with the
efforts by the branch of the TRO in their country in this urgent
task. Those individuals who wish to help directly may also do so on
line through our website"
27 December 2004 |
Tamil MP slams Colombo for ignoring Northeast plight
"The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Monday slammed
the Sri Lankan government and Sinhala parties in Parliament for "callously
ignoring the plight of thousands in the northeast hit by Saturday's
Tsunami. The devastation and destruction in the northeast was
discussed for not more than five minutes during the two hour
conference on the Tsunami disaster management for all Parliament
parties called by the Prime Minister at his reidence Monday. In fact
the situation in the Northeast was taken up only after I raised the
issue. They simply not bothered about the plight of our people"
27 December 2004 |
Disaster Management Task Force Units setup in Northeast
"Mr.S.P.Thamilchelvan, Head of the LTTE Political
Wing in an urgent meeting with the International NGOs, District
Secretaries, TRO officials and local NGOs requested to set up a
North-East Disaster Management Steering Committee and Special Task
Force Units consisting of the District Secretaries, INGO’s,
TRO,local NGO’s and representatives of the Planning and Development
Secretariat of the LTTE. Similar mechanisms for the districts of
Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Amparai have also been planned and
details would be worked out in the respective districts soon, an
LTTE news release said."
27 December 2004 |
Ilankai Tamil Sangam USA Media Release |
27 December 2004 |
Canadian Tamil Congress Media Release
"...The stories of those whose lives have been
shattered are already coming to light. One Priest at Nagar Kovil, in
the Jaffna District, reported that 7 of his young parishioners
disappeared following Sunday mass. This is just one of thousands of
incidents that this community is grieving. Over the course of the
past few hours, we have been deeply moved by the great deal of
support given to us by fellow Canadians. The Canadian Tamil
community, while grateful for the initial response by the government
of Canada, calls upon our government to ensure that there is
persistent and sufficient aid flowing to needy areas. In particular,
the Canadian Tamil community seeks direct Canadian involvement in
ascertaining that aid is directed to those in the North and East of
the island, where the pre-existing infrastructure is abysmal to
begin with. “We want to be part of the rebuilding effort in the
North and East,” said Bala Sivalingam, spokesperson for the Canadian
Tamil Congress. He further called on the government of Canada to
“work with the Canadian Tamil Community in this moment of great
27 December 2004 |
Updated TRO Appeal in Tamil
ஈழம் வடக்குக்கிழக்கில் 6000 பொதுமக்கள்
உயிரிழப்பு (27.12.2004) -
500 000 மக்கள் இடம்பெயர்வு -
அவசர மனிதாபிமான உதவிகளை
வழங்கிடுவீர்! -
தமிழர் புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழகம், கிளிநொச்சி -
"ஒவ்வொருநாடுகளிலும் உள்ள தமிழர் புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழகத்தின்
கிளைநிறுவனங்கள் ஊடாக ஒருங்கிணைக்கப்பட்டு மேற்கொள்ளப்படும் இவ் அவசர
பணிகளில் இணைந்து செயற்படுமாறு அனைத்து மக்களையும் புனர்வாழ்வுக்கழகம்
27 December 2004 |
Tidal wave kills over 6000 in North East; 2000 feared dead in the Jaffna
peninsula - LTTE Peace Secretariat
"...The entire coastal belt in the North East was
hit by an unprecedented tidal surge in the morning hours yesterday
26 December 2004. Reports from the areas of disaster indicate that
the worst hit, are the coastal towns and villages in Mullaittivu and
Thalayadi – Chempianpattu in Vadamaradchy East, Vettilaikkerny,
Kaddaikkadu, Maththalan, Kallappadu, Vannankerny, Sinntaththankadu
and Alampil are among the villages that bore the worst brunt of the
disaster. No precautionary measure could have saved the people and
their dwellings from this disaster, for all happened within a couple
of minutes.
Emergency rescue teams comprising LTTE members,
Civilian Based Organisations, Local NGO’s and the TRO task force are
actively engaged in recovering the bodies that are washed ashore
after the ferocity of the tidal wave receded. Already 600 bodies
have been recovered in Mullaittivu and brought to Mulliyawalai for
identification by surviving relatives. Kilinochchi District Hospital
received 120 bodies recovered from the Thalayadi coast. More than
900 injured were treated at the Kilinochchi hospital. Since the ward
space is very much limited, only the most seriously injured are kept
in the hospital and others are accommodated in school buildings and
attended to by the LTTE Medical teams..."
26 December 2004 |
Appeal, 26 December 2004
"Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), an
independent Non-Governmental Organization registered with Government
of Sri Lanka, appealed to the Tamil expatriates Sunday to donate
towards meeting the humanitarian crisis unfolding following the
tsunami wave triggered flooding in residential areas along the
eastern coast of Sri Lanka. Majority of families affected were from
the NorthEast of Sri Lanka..."
26 December 2004 |
Large Number of Children Killed
"..A large number of children were killed by
Tsunami waves in Sri Lankaís northeast, rescue workers and local
journalists said. Thousands of children have been wounded in the
floods and are still without access to first aid, they said. Lack of
transport and roads destroyed by the monster waves are slowing
rescue work in Mullaithivu, Mutur, Batticaloa and Amparai, according
to aid workers. Children mostly affected also in Jaffna-District.
"In some places here there aren't people to identify many bodies
because whole families have been killed by the waves. In several
areas we found the bodies of both parents and children killed by the
waves", an aid worker in Batticaloa told TamilNet.."
Telephone numbers
in USA:
Toll free number for TRO is 866 424 0777
Main TRO number is 732 424 2005 (phone calls from toll free line will be
directed to this line).
Fax number is 732 424 5678.
The following is a link to TRO brochure:
TRO Brochure.
Seattle, Washington.......360-5140747 North
Chicago, Illinois.............920-9070911 Columbus,
Ohio.............614- 8322010
New Jersey.....................609-7797746
MA................................781-9427087 New
Maryland.......................301-7292722 NY
Send your
US checks to:
Tamils Rehabilitation Organization 517 Old Town Road,
Cumberland, Maryland 21502